“I found out so much about myself. It was emotional, scary, annoying, difficult. But a good kickstart for change. I feel I have skills to try and deal with certain things. Work in progress!” (B. Journalist, NL)

“The exercises were amazing. Very insightful. It totally made me reevaluate my approach to a difficult an emotional situation in my life. I feel I have made a difference in myself.” (G. Lawyer, Argentina)

“Simone is very precise and has clear communications skills. Focused, and has a lot of integrity. We acted out some practical situations and my attitude (and fears) in those, and that really worked.” (M. Artist, NL)

We could achieve the goal that I wanted to get to: find my path. I could organize and clear out my concerns that were blocking my possibilities to start the new road. We called that obstacle ‘x’, an evil and angry voice inside my head. For the time being, he lives together with my other voices and he is out of the way.” (C. Sound engineer, Germany)